Choreographer Holly Small's Radiant opens Thurs. April 9th in the Betty Oliphant Theatre at 404 Jarvis St. (right beside the National Ballet School) The portion we were allowed to photograph was a surreal, flowing, sensual episode set to an abstract electronic soundtrack and featuring flashes of multimedia in the form of projected images and live video feeds.
The entire production is bathed in a warm amber glow, and it was really quite beautiful, intriguing, even with the restriction of viewing it through a camera viewfinder.
With Radiant, Small invites the audience into the vivid landscape of her imagination - a preternatural forest, ravaged by time, haunted by wraith-like figures that hover at the edges of memory and awareness. Rising from the darkness and tumbling through space, six stunning dancers merge with exquisite video imagery by iconoclastic artist John Oswald.

For the live performance they will have musicians on stage playing along live. Obviously it would be expensive to have them on hand for a rehearsal, so we didn't get to see the full effect, but it sounds like an interesting concept.

Radiant plays at the Betty Oliphant Theatre from April 9 - April 11 @ 8:00 PM Betty Oliphant Theatre Tickets range from $18 - $25 and are available by phoning 416 533-8577
All Photos and text copyright Torontowide.com. All rights reserved and reproduction is not allowed unless permission is given in writing.
Photos done with the Olympus E3 w/ 50-20mm ans 12-60mm lenses