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Also, a home sound system from Hi-Fi Specilalists to the value of R50 000
to be won at the the show! So you have no excuse NOT to go.
- Venue: Sports and Events Centre, Emerald Casino, Vanderbijl Park
Dates: 30 July-2 August 2009 - Stands: 174 on 3 000m2
Times: Thursday - Friday: 10:00 – 19:00 or Saturday - Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00
Launched in 2006, the OFM HOMEMAKERS Expo now in its 4th year is rated by visitors and exhibitors as a true success story. Showcasing more than 174 leading home improvement exhibitors, the OFM HOMEMAKERS Expo will offer homeowners the latest home improvement and decor trends, ranging from important fittings such as flooring to innovative decor ideas.
One of the great benefits of the show is that it brings a vast amount of leading home improvement exhibitors under one roof, giving visitors the opportunity to shop around, compare prices and discuss their specific needs and problems with knowledgeable exhibitors. Whether you are in the market to buy or just looking for new ideas, this show will offer a captivating variety of solutions.
See you There!!!