Topic - The meaning behind your blog name

Now go and sign up for Fawk You Friday over at Boobies
My Fuck You's this week are:
Fuck You to the bastard toothache that I've been suffering for the last two weeks. No fekking medical insurance left so it will have to wait until next year! suffer baby suffer!
Fuck You to the rain that poured down last night during my 4 year old's Christmas Carol's By Candlelight mini-concert and ruined her debut performance.
Fuck You to my doctor who injected a VERY pointy, VERY sharp, VERY long needle into my face in order to remove all my moles this week. I look like a fucking leper at the moment because I've still got stitches in my face and scabs where he Dr Shit Hole burned off the rest. Everyone keeps asking me what happened. I told them "I actually won the fight but you should see the other guy, He's fighting for his life in ICU, Fucker!" Some actually believed me for about three seconds.
Go FlogYoBlog at Random Ramblings of a SAHM
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This one is pretty self-explanatory.... I'm definitely daft, some say demented and nutty. I'm originally from Scotland and I'm a gurl so I'm A Daft Scots Lass. The awesome louboutins aka pretty high heels in the header of my blog are used because of my love for high heeled shoes....
Some of you will remember that originally, my blog was called A Peek Into Our Lives but I changed the name early this year, when I gave my wee bloggy a bit of a "face lift". I much prefer the new name and the way Daft Scots Lass is heading. She doesn't censor herself at all - its more suiting to who I am and what the blog is all about.
What is my blog all about?
Me, of course, my thoughts, my opinionated rambling, my family, my children, my work, my life as a wife and a very busy working mum with a hectic social calendar. It may be pretty boring for some, but blogging is a kind of therapy for me. It is like talking to a friend and getting something "off your chest". I know it sounds kinda cliché, but that is why I blog.
I love reading other blogs - in fact I have a readers list of nearly 250 blogs now. I try and read most of them but its simply impossible to read 250 blogs that generally post every day! I read when I can, I comment when I can and especially now that our internet is being monitored at work. I can't sit and have blogger open all day and read when I have a couple of moments.
I love to get comments and feedback on what you like and even what you don't like. I enjoy hearing YOUR opinions and what YOU think. That way I get to learn more about YOU. Yes YOU - my Bloggerville Friends.
Join G-Man and write a complete story in 55 words.
Here's my Friday Flash Fiction 55
No more deadlines
No morestress
Just threeweeks of holiday
Chillaxing andRest
I can’twait to do nothing
Kick backin my hammock
Chug exotic cocktails
And feelthe sand on my feet
Hear theocean’s waves crashing
My kidsgiggling and squealing
Permitted to do anything we want
Are wethere yet?
Now go and sign up for Fawk You Friday over at Boobies
My Fuck You's this week are:
Fuck You to the bastard toothache that I've been suffering for the last two weeks. No fekking medical insurance left so it will have to wait until next year! suffer baby suffer!
Fuck You to the rain that poured down last night during my 4 year old's Christmas Carol's By Candlelight mini-concert and ruined her debut performance.
Fuck You to my doctor who injected a VERY pointy, VERY sharp, VERY long needle into my face in order to remove all my moles this week. I look like a fucking leper at the moment because I've still got stitches in my face and scabs where he Dr Shit Hole burned off the rest. Everyone keeps asking me what happened. I told them "I actually won the fight but you should see the other guy, He's fighting for his life in ICU, Fucker!" Some actually believed me for about three seconds.
Go FlogYoBlog at Random Ramblings of a SAHM