We promised the girls we'd take them to the Rietvlei Zoo Farm Spring Festival yesterday morning. It was a beautiful sunny day and the girls had a blast. They played on the swings, the jungle gyms, bounced on the jumping castles, they fed the ducks, rode on the little choo-choo train, Megan even enjoyed a pony ride. They saw the roosters, chickens, pigs, tortoises and the resident camel. They had set up little stalls inside the venue - like a flea market - which included food stalls, garden ornaments, make up, arts and crafts and clowns, Zac the Rietvlei Farm mascot and loads more...
Its a lovely venue and they recently have done a lot of work to the place including building a new indoor play area, a putt-putt course, a lovely coffee shop with loads of gorgeous wooden outdoor play equipment. Unfortunately there is not enough shade at the venue for everyone to enjoy. There are a few shaded picnic spots dotted throughout but certainly not enough. If you are lucky enough to find a spot to sit, it is either in the direct sunshine or in the shade with no grass. Its a pity because its got so much potential.
Its a lovely venue and they recently have done a lot of work to the place including building a new indoor play area, a putt-putt course, a lovely coffee shop with loads of gorgeous wooden outdoor play equipment. Unfortunately there is not enough shade at the venue for everyone to enjoy. There are a few shaded picnic spots dotted throughout but certainly not enough. If you are lucky enough to find a spot to sit, it is either in the direct sunshine or in the shade with no grass. Its a pity because its got so much potential.
The garden ornament (just for Mandy)
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