Mario's Cafe in Warren Street, London, do a BIG breakfast for 10 quid ($15).
It's 10 fried eggs, 10 pieces of bacon, 10 pork sausage, 10 slices of buttered toast, 5 black puddings, tomatoes, beans and mushrooms.
What, no Chips with that?
This breakfast packs in a massive 5 000 calories. Thats nearly TWICE the recommended daily intake for an average man. A spokesman for the British Heart Foundation said: "Eating this amount in one sitting is not a good idea.".
Here we have a fairy wishing on a star - click on this coloring page image and it will open full size - then simply print however many copies you'd like to have... maybe just one - or maybe wnough for a whole classroom of children...
On this coloring picture we see Pluto with Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse - click on the coloring page to see it full size - then you can print it - hope you enjoy this and all the other Disney coloring pages on this site. They are free to print and if you're a teacher or about to have a birthday party you can print however many copies you need because they're all free to print - have fun with the coloring :)
Paul Hewson aka Bono from the band U2. Not only is he soopa talented and has the most dreamy accent,but he gets hawter as he gets older. He’salways had strong political and religious undertones in his music with U2. I’ll bet he’d be fascinating to talk to andawesome to party with. He can shake hisstuff on my table anyday!
Sir Paul Hewson has even been nominated for the Nobel PeacePrize and knighted by the Queen. I’llbet you didn’t know that? But you couldguess with the amount of humanitarian and charity work he does, he’s bound toscramble up some awards.
Paul Hewson is a great guy, who’s been married to the samegirl for nearly 30 years, which is usually non-existing in the entertainment industry(let alone rock ‘n roll) and has four kids including two gorgeous teenagegirls.
Princess Coloring Pages brings you Princess Jasmine and her Tiger - what a beautiful picture to color in - I can just imagine the big orange and black stripes on the tiger...enjoy!
My Sister flew to the UK on Monday night to meet the infamous Jack Bruce. Jack was the bassist for the 60's band Cream and my sis has been fan for ages. Last night she got the opportunity to meet him face to face - thanks to her befriending his daughter, Natascha on My Space a few years ago.
Her text to me this morning: Met Jack last night up close - in between the hits, the interview and the q&a, he sang some rabbie burns (tears for me). After it all, I met Jack backstage (tx 2 Mick!) and we got on so well, we all went out in to soho 4 dinner and some great wine. he's a colourful Show allcheeky wee scot -just like me and you! What a night!
How awesome was that? To follow your dream and drop everything to do it.
I'm sooo excited for you, Janie!
My question now is - who have you always wanted to meet face to face and why?
Pop in tomorrow and I'll tell you my answer to this.
Righty-ho so....lately my internet connection has reeked like shizzle so I've had to watch my legs hairs grow while I wait for your bloggy pages to load and thus I have not done as much bloggy reading as I normally do [insert scores of requests for forgiveness here].
Sorry everyone, and I do mean everyone, for not being as dedicated-a-comentator as I normally am. I know that all you hold your breath with anticipation when reading my twaddle in your comments section.
Anyhoo, I'm pissy as all hell and hopefully soon those imprudent thickos at Telkom get their scrawny arses into gear and fix my damn sloth-of-a-internet connection..
I'm feeling particularly wicked today. For those sarcastic moments when you need just the right insult ...
Do you want some cheese with that whine?
I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.
Does your train of thought have a caboose?
Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
A PBS mind in an MTV world.
Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.
Suburbia: where they tear out the trees & then name streets after them.
South Africa: where the pizza arrives before the police.
Well, this day was a total waste of makeup and heels.
Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.
I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
An office is just a padded cell without a door.
Stress is when you wake up screaming & you realise you haven't fallen asleep yet.
Can I swap this job for what's behind door number 1?
I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.
Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
Murphy's Law prohibits me from admitting I'm wrong.
Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
Chaos, panic and disorder -- my work here is done.
I plead contemporary insanity.
How do I set a laser printer to stun?
Meandering to a different drummer.
Kiss me to fiercely Hold me to tight I need help believing You're with me tonight
My wildest dreamings could not foresee Lying beside you With you wanting me
[CHORUS] Just for this moment As long as you're mine I've lost all resistance and crossed some borderline And if it turns out It's over too fast I'll make every last moment last as long as you're mine.
Fiyero: Maybe I'm brainless Maybe I'm wise but you've got me seeing through different eyes
Somehow I've fallen Under your spell And somehow i'm feeling It's up that i fell
Both: Every moment As long as you'er mine I'll wake up my body and make up for lost time
Fiyero: Say there's no future for us as a pair
Both: And though I may know I don't care
Just for this moment As long as you're mine Come be how you want to And see how bright we shine Borrow the moonlight until it is through And know I'll be here holding you As long as you're mine
Princess Coloring Pages brings you Princess Aurora (which means Dawn in Latin) from Sleeping Beauty. Click on the coloring pciture to see it full size - then print...
Freedom Day is an annual celebration of South Africa's first non-racial democratic elections of 1994. Peace, unity, the preservation and the restoration of human dignity hallmarks Freedom Day celebrations on the 27th of April of each year.
The road to democracy was a long and difficult one. And so were teh queues back in 1994. I stood in line for 5 hours to put my mark on a piece of paper. The mood was jovial, the atmosphere full of hope for the future. Blacks and whites together, making a change for their country - together!
South Africans are "One people with one destiny". It is therefore imperative for South Africans of diverse political and economic backgrounds to work towards a common objective. On Freedom Day we celebrate the relentless efforts of those who fought for liberation, of the many men and women who took up arms and courted imprisonment, bannings and torture on behalf of the oppressed masses.
However "Are we really free when our people remain poor, when there is mass unemployment, unwarranted violence and crime"? Freedom should mean emancipation from poverty, unemployment, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination- but poverty continues to exist, with black people, women, children, the disabled and the elderly. "We need to continue to work to eradicate poverty, racial inequalities and socio-economic disparities,"
Freedom Day means something very valuable, the necessary condition for us to achieve the vital and fundamental objective of a better life for all.
On Freedom Day, we commit ourselves to ensuring the defence of the sacred freedoms that we had won as a result of a long, difficult and costly struggle. We remind ourselves that the guarantee of these freedoms requires permanent vigilance. It should be our pledge to devote ourselves to continue to work to wipe out the legacy of racism in our country.
We need to ensure that all our people enjoy these freedoms not merely as theoretical rights but they must form the daily life experience of all South Africans.