You'd excpect that I would have had my first negative comment by now!
I mean, I have been blogging for over two years, have made nearly 1200 posts, watched my followers grow from nothing to nearly 90 and have moderated countless comments.
It made me want to blog about it.
It would still be interesting to know who detests me so much. A family member? A so-called friend? A colleague?
Och well, this Hater actually took the time to think about what to type and leave a comment. He or she used up a fair amount of energry telling me how "fucking useless and terrible" I am. So listen, at least I am worthy of someone spending a little time to make me aware of my "patheticness".
Have a Nice Day!
Bye-bye Now
I mean, I have been blogging for over two years, have made nearly 1200 posts, watched my followers grow from nothing to nearly 90 and have moderated countless comments.
I expected to be more upset over my first "hate" comment. I was told that my blog was "boring", I was told that I was "a fake". I was told that I have "no original voice". You would expect these things to hurt, right?
I wouldn't say I don't care, because then I wouldn't be blogging about it - but it didn't cut me to the bone. You know, it didn't make me want to crumble and cry in a heap of tears, it didn't make me feel insecure about my wee blog either. Read it - or don't. Your choice...
It made me want to blog about it.
I wanted to let my Hater know this: Isn't it ironic that you couldn't post your comment with your name and profile attached? You took the coward's way out and posted annonomously. What a cop out! Plonker! Oh, I suppose you don't want to compromise your own readers and followers but its still the easy way out.
It would still be interesting to know who detests me so much. A family member? A so-called friend? A colleague?

I hope I never end up like that. I hope I don't end up so bitter and cowardly that I smack someone behind the head with a wet fish and run.
May millions of infuriated nits infest your putrid armpits and crotch until eternity and back.
Bye-bye Now